Whether you want to reinvent yourself in a second career, or look to capitalize on your inherent knowledge/skills, or scale up the academic/career ladder, our M.Phil./Ph.D. Programs are designed to be the best fit.

In line with our policy of picking study topics that are high on demand, deliver top dollar value, and enhanced social standing, our M.Phil./Ph.D. Programs comprise a healthy blend of new-age fields of study and conventionally critical study streams.

For instance, an M. Phil or a Ph D in Brand Management can give you a seat at the high table where consumer choices and brand values are the staple diet. There is no market where there is no brand. Therein lies the significance of the leeway you get from such a Course.

A stint in Corporate Finance leads you to power board rooms in both Wall Street and Main Street. When you hold an international Ph D in Corporate Finance, you are ready to make your power move.

People in businesses or service industry can profit immensely from a M.Phil./Ph.D. in Customer Relationship Management. Back your repertoire with skills at retaining customer loyalty and see how a Doctorate in CRM from Westwood University can add to your bottom line and respect in professional circles.

Our M.Phil./Ph.D. Programs in Development Communication, and Leadership Development, are designed to maximize your professional and personal growth, and sharpen your leadership and communication skills.

For those who are already running a business enterprise or those of you who aspire to strike out on their own as an entrepreneur, a holistic view of what it takes to create a successful business is best gained by doing a M. Phil/Ph D in Entrepreneurship. Prosperous Careers in allied business domains can also flower with an international doctorate in Production & Operations Management, International Retailing, and Project Management. The retail sector is booming across continents and opportunities across verticals are best tapped by one with matching academic credentials. Internet-based Programs for those eying a share of the online pie can choose any one of M.Phil./Ph.D. in IT & E-Commerce, or Programming Languages. History buffs can benefit from doing a Program on World History. Other M.Phil./Ph.D. options are available in Psychology and Research Methods.

If you are interested in something that doesn’t show up in our M. Phil/Ph D Programs Portfolio, tell us and we will consider including it!

List of M. Phil/Ph D Programs offered by Westwood University:

  • Brand Management
  • Corporate Finance
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Development Communication
  • Entrepreneurship
  • International Retailing
  • IT & E-Commerce
  • Leadership Development
  • Production & Operations Management
  • Programming Languages
  • Project Management
  • Psychology
  • Research Methods
  • World History

Fee Structure

1200 $ for All Graduation Courses

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